Have you considered getting your professional designation through NACM?

Picture of Lillian Novak, CGA

Lillian Novak, CGA

Chief Communications Officer

Designations have proven to be career changers – more respect from your peers and colleagues, gives you a leg up when job searching, often leads to higher pay.

I’m happy to help you through the process from coaching you on where to start, discovering shortcuts from credit for education and general professional background, to mapping a course for you to succeed. Let me know if you want to schedule a conversation.


The classes beginning in late March are a great jumping off point for many students. All classes are now done in real time on Zoom, so there is no need to be in the Chicago area or to leave your office or home to take the classes. Our instructors consistently receive very high reviews and are among the best in the industry. Can’t afford the tuition? You have until March 1 to submit an application for a scholarship.

I’m happy to help you with that as well. Call me – let’s chat.  

